The Group conducts its business operations in accordance with best practice, relevant legislation and respecting human rights and ethical practices throughout our value chain.
Ethical Practices
We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, bullying or abuse; we comply with wage and working condition and time laws; we do not tolerate forced labour or child labour; and it is our policy that all workers have the right to form or join a trade union and bargain collectively.
Our Modern Slavery Statement describes the activities we are undertaking to prevent slavery and human trafficking in our business operations and supply chain. Our Modern Slavery Statement can be found here.
Bribery and corruption are not tolerated in our business operations or in our supply chain. Our ‘Anti-bribery, financial crime and sanctions policy’ sets out our high standards of ethics and compliance across all aspects of our business and provides detailed guidance on facilitation payments, gifts and hospitality and relationships with third parties, as well as on money-laundering, tax evasion, fraud and sanctions regimes.
Supply Chain
We are acutely aware that our end-to-end supply chain is long and complex. As such our business activities can have a significant impact at many levels. Our intention is to make that impact positive from a social, environmental and economic perspective.
Our ethical supply direction is set by the Board in its Social and Ethical Principles Statement which can be found here.
For further information on ethical practices and responsible sourcing, please see pages 24 and 25 of our 2023 Annual Report & Accounts.